About Us

The Joseph M. Tierney Learning Center partners with over 30 Boston-based, highly qualified agencies to offer engaging, educational programming for youth and families residing in South Boston. Through its strong community partnerships, the Tierney Learning Center (TLC) is able to provide well-coordinated and cost-effective educational support for every age—from early childhood through adulthood.

The TLC is a safe, stable, and exciting environment that serves more than 150 children and families per day. Nearly 60% of these households are non-native English speakers and 90% are single-parent households. Based on these statistics, the TLC offers free English language support courses for adults and programming during highest risk hours for youth: after school, weekends, school vacations, and summer vacations.

An advocate for multi-generational educational support and comprehensive community engagement, the TLC leverages its neighborhood resources to ensure that each individual who walks through its doors has the tools to achieve his or her highest potential both in the classroom and within the community.